Official Statement by Journeys Pte Ltd (Management of Haw Par Villa)

Singapore, 10 October 2022 Haw Par Villa reopened in July 2021 and has been receiving significant growth in its visitorship, particularly after the opening of Hell’s Museum in Oct 2021. By and large, our visitors have been very well-behaved and we do not have any major incidents to report, even when we have large-scale events such as music festivals.

Unfortunately, we had a few incidents with visitors sitting on sculptures despite the numerous signs requesting that visitors do not do so. This is both to preserve the sculptural works of art, as well as for their own safety.

Our staff intervene regularly and firmly to prevent such negative behaviour and visitors normally comply without causing further problems.

The management of Haw Par Villa is disappointed at the behaviour of the visitor who goes by the TikTok username “anniexu403”. Her actions are irresponsible as they not only endanger herself but will also damage the art works. Furthermore, the works reflect Asian cultural values and ethical behaviour which sadly were not displayed by the visitor.

While we appreciate comments on the TikTok video asking for the visitor to respect the works of art, comments on the visitor’s nationality are inappropriate and unnecessary. As Singaporeans, we welcome all nationalities and communities to visit Haw Par Villa and we strive to create a common space for all to enjoy the beautiful works of art on display.


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